And so my dreams became numerous, I began to note them in a diary.
by dint of reading and seeing to achieve my dreams I acquired some
knowledges on this domain and I became able to decipher all several
indications for my dreams and other people’s dreams.
I was 20 years, on July 3, 2003, I saw an extremely fascinating and
mysterious vision: I have seen that I was in a street with my mother and
a group of people passed next to us and this groups repeated with high voice: “LA ILAHA ILLA ALLAH
MOHAMED RASOUL ALLAH “, I wanted to integrate with them but I was not
able to because I wasn’t wearing the scarf, and when I wanted carried
the scarf a person forbade me from doing so.
I found my self alone in a very vast and empty place similar to a
desert and I perceived that I lost my mother and that a woman kidnapped
and hurt her.
I saw a bizarre and strange being coming down from the sky he appeared
as a human being but he is not, his body was made with clay. A feeling
of fear and fright invaded me and at the moment he pronounced: “Ya
Zohra, Ana Jibril” (Zohra, I am Gabriel) then he handed me three big
pieces of pyramidal Crystal. And crowned my head with a too brilliant
crown made with pieces of very appealing and magic diamonds. And at this
instant I felt that all changed in me and I became very beautiful and
admirable, my garment became a dress of princess and a powerful and
strong feeling of joy and extreme satisfaction invaded me and I felt
that the impossible doesn’t exist anymore, and that I can make
everything that I want, and that I entered to the Paradise and I
remembered my mother who, I felt, I can save.
was awakened by my cousin’s phone call. She called me from the airport
because she was then on a trip to Portugal and wanted to say goodbye.
could not speak with her, because with the marvelous feelings that I
felt in the end at this vision I was also very tired as if it was a
heavy thing that descended on my heart and I awakened with a sweat all
over my body.
I spent a period of
extreme distraction and loss of concentration after this dream, and I
started the research for the significance of this dream, and I was
convinced that this dream can only be a truth and that the angel Gabriel
comes down from the sky only to assign a mission given by God to one of
his servants that he chooses to warn the humanity.
is only after this dream that I have felt the strong relation with the
noble book, the Koran and I was certain that only in this book I will
find the answer to all my questioning. Indeed these verses of the Koran
were the first that guided and calmed me:
“He doth send down His angels with inspiration of His Command, to such of His servants as He pleaseth, (saying): “Warn (Man) that there is no god but I: so do your duty unto Me.” –Surah Annahl (16)
Raised high above ranks (or degrees), (He is) the Lord of the Throne (of authority): by his command doth He send the spirit (ofinspiration) to any of His servants He pleases that it may warn(men) of the Day of Mutual Meeting― Surah Ghafir (40)The Forgiver
spent a very difficult period after this vision because I was convinced
that I have a mission that I must accomplish but I didn’t know what
this mission is!!! I understood that it is about a miracle, of an
enigmatic mystery that I must decipher, I spent three years in search
for a secret to decipher. Because I have in hand the key of decoding
that is the Koran and its precious advices. I was convinced that to
manage and to decipher a miraculous enigma we must possess a miracle at
hand and this miracle is the noble Koran.
came back in this period to the diary of my dreams to interpret them
with the help of the Koran, and I noticed the treasures that exist in
the noble Koran and that all circumstances of the human life and all
details are well described with a magic manner. And I was touched by the
idea and the truth that the Koran is a sentimental and spiritual book
and thanks to the Koran we can feel beautiful emotions of joy, love and
eternal happiness.
The words of our prophet were also for me a source of data very precious to relieve me:
AS Narrated by Anas bin Malik:
Allah’s Apostle said, “A good dream (that comes true) of a righteous man is one of forty-six parts of prophetism.”
As Narrated by Abu Qatada:
The Prophet said, “A true good dream is from Allah, and a bad dream is from Satan.”
As Narrated by Abu Huraira:
Apostle said, “When the Day of Resurrection approaches, the dreams of a
believer will hardly fail to come true, and a dream of a believer is
one of forty-six parts of prophetism, and whatever belongs to prophetism
can never be false.”
my childhood I was gifted by reading and I find an enormous pleasure in
knowledge. I began the research of the mystery around me, with a strong
belief that if I am going to deviate from the good path: the love of
the other, goodness, the patience… God won’t guide me therefore to the
good path, the knowledge, science and so I must avoid all sorts of sins.
spent three years of research and reading, My readings were various and
especially in the domain of the numeric miracles of the Koran. Because
since I was at the high school our professor of the religious education
evoked a very short discussion around the numbers in the noble Koran, I
was then very attracted by this new approach and I felt that it is a
beautiful idea to come closer to the Koran.
9, 2006 I saw the second dream that renovated my life, this day
coincided with the day of Arafet. This day, I made my prayers and I had
the lunch for the fast and I fell asleep. I saw a dream that I waited a
long time, an extremely fabulous dream: I saw a group of persons that
walked in a street in the center of my city and they carried a big
picture with shades of green and silver following the outline, on which
is drawn the marvelous portrait of Mohamed and as if his soul was
inside, he was beautiful and admirable with his adorable smile, his eyes
were rounded, the pupil is in dark black and the white around is very
clean. His eyelashes are long and bent
eyebrows are long, dark blacks and bent, his nose are thin, his hair is
smooth and black dark and divided in two and cover a little his ears.
His smile is fascinating, his mouth is large, his lips are fine, his
teeth are ordered well and whitish. His skin is beaming.
the first seen of his portrait (Prayer and blessing for him) I knew it,
I cried and I said: “Oh! He is very beautiful” I heard a voice: “It is
Mohamed” I have been attracted by his beautiful smile and his marvelous
face, I heard a voice that told to me again: “Assalat ala Mohamed,
Assalat Ala Mohamed!!!” (Prayer for Mohamed). And during this dream I
had the feeling of guilt because actually I didn’t wear the scarf and
how that happens that I see Mohamed and I don’t wear the scarf.
wonder:” Who did could draw his marvelous portrait in our days? Who was
able to see him to draw him in a perfect and real drawing? A voice
answered to me that it is “Bouhlel” that drew it; Mr. Bouhlel was my
professor of computer science.
asked for another time: “How was he able to draw it? Did he see him?
“The voice answered to me: “Abu-Bakr Essidik was giving him a Grain of
rice on which is drawn the face of Mohamed and he was drawing him”
I also saw two women dressed of very beautiful dresses embroidered and they were in the beginning of people group.
I saw whole this groups that carried the portrait of Mohamed, Sayedouna
Abu-Bakrs, Mr. Bouhlel whith his Personnel Computer and us all directed
toward a bus that carried the number 5. And I awakened with an
indescribable feeling, sublimate, extraordinary with beatings to the
heart and a deep love feeling for the prophet Mohamed “.
After this dream I lived a radical change in my life, the photo of Mohamed don’t left my mind, I became very spiritual, I feel a big love for God for all the persons, animals,…
along the path in my way home I thought about Mohamed (Prayer and
blessing for him) and I ask God so that he relieves me. It is here that I
discover the 47. I began the remark of the number 47 in the plates of
numbers of cars. In the codes of bar, in the hour, Date…Since the
beginning I said that it cannot be the luck, and I felt as if it was a
secret between me and God because I have too much confidence and of good
belief towards God and I understood that God reassures me with the miraculous occurrence of the number 47”
I was sure that this number possesses a strong relation with Mohamed
and the first idea that I occurred to the head is to verify the order of
Sourate Mohamed in the noble Koran and indeed it was classified the
At that period
of time I was remembing the dream of Gabriel and I looking the date, I
found that it was in July 3 (7/3), In Koran there are three Sourate
titles by the names of Mohamed:
47 Mohamed
73 Al-Muzzamel (Wrapped in garments after seeing Gabriel)
74 Al-Muddather (enveloped in garments after seeing Gabriel)
Others indications:
I have seen the dreams of Mohamed on year 2006
2006 it’s the year 4703 by the Chinese calendar, and 1427 by the Islamic calendar
I have seen the dreams of Gabriel on 2003
2003 it’s the year 4700 by the Chinese calendar, and 1424 by the Islamic calendar.
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